Andrew's Magazine

The lineage of the child Andrew Abeku Evans Quayson Jnr. was pure royalty. His father Andrew Evans Quayson Snr. (Old Man Quayson) was from the Akona Royal Stool Family of Takoradi and his paternal grandmother Mena Ekua Bram was the queen mother of Takoradiman. Old Man Quayson was a real City Gentleman with his tailcoats, top hats and Apaapa walkings. He was a real fun man and a great dancer! Abeku’s mother was Sarah Letitia Efua Egyima Hagan, daughter of Joseph Alfonso Hagan (the last of the Hagan “ Old Man Quayson was a real City Gentleman with his tailcoats, top hats and Apaapa walkings. ‘Old Man Quayson’ (Father of the Original Abeku) 8